Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blog #15

This article discusses Hillary Clinton's need to attract young voters in her 2016 presidential campaign. Young voters are a key demographic Mrs. Clinton would need to win the presidential race. In the 2008 campaign, young voters favored Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton, which helped him to clinch his spot as the Democrat nominee. However, this election may favor Mrs. Clinton because polls show that young people favor her over other potential Democrat candidates.
This article relates to Ap Gov. because it deals with the upcoming presidential race of 2016. This election could be very significant because if Hillary Clinton wins, it will be the first time the country has had a female president, which would be a huge step forward for feminism. 
I agree with this article. Young people are increasingly becoming a more significant part of the electorate, and candidates are beginning to realize they will need to appeal to young people in order to win the election. 


  1. I agree that young voters are key. However I think this is ironic because it seems voting participation in younger age groups is lower than middle-aged.

  2. Young voters need to be wooed. Hillary is not exactly a teenager but her policies are favored by young people. I love Hillary because she is the best. I can't wait till 2016.

  3. I agree I think if biliary clinton is going to win than young voters will be the key. I don't think she will win however because younger voter turn out is low.

  4. I agree that young people's votes are essential for Hilary's election campaign. Young votes are scarce because of apathy and ignorance. The 2016 election will be a huge step for voting polls as well as feminism.

  5. Young people are the key to the countries future so i think it is good to be invested in getting them involved in politics.
