Thursday, May 15, 2014

Blog #18

This article discusses a controversial senior prank done by the students of South Forsyth High School in Georgia. The students hung a banner in the front of the school with the words, "Nigga we made it," across the banner. Though these words were referencing a Drake song, many took offense to the insensitive banner. The students involved now face consequences due to their actions.
This related to AP Gov. because it deals with racial jokes and insensitivity, (which relate to civil rights and liberties) which is still unfortunately a problem in today's society.
I think these kids were very stupid to think this prank would be okay. Honestly, think it through- hanging a banner with a curse word (let alone a racially charged curse word) in the front of the school is not a good idea. I understand it was meant as a joke, but it was stupid and I think that kind of humor is lowbrow, tasteless, and offensive.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Blog #17

This article is about a new report released by the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault that contained data about surveys taken of college students on whether they'd been sexually assaulted on campus. The report stated that one out of five women had been raped or otherwise sexually attacked while at college. The report also gave guidelines for educators and administrators on how to respond when learning that a student had been assaulted. This article also said that the government is in the process of creating a website that provides statistical data about assault for each college and gives support to victims of assault.

This relates to AP Gov. because the government is being proactive about helping to educate people about the truth of sexual violence on college campuses and what to do if assaulted. They're also providing online forms that victims can fill out to take action against their attackers if their school isn't defending them.

I think it's great that our government is creating this website. I think it's horrible how rape and assault victims are treated; I've read many accounts where colleges ignored these victim's claims and let the rapists stay in school with no repercussions. Now that these victims can file online forms on this new website, maybe they'll get justice.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Blog #16

This articles discusses the shootings committed by an Iraq veteran at Fort Hood that occurred April 2nd, 2014. The shooter, Ivan Lopez, killed three soldiers and wounded sixteen others. Lopez had a history of depression and was in the process of being tested for PTSD, although his doctors didn't believe he would become violent and dangerous to others. Investigators of the crime do not know Lopez's motivation, as he shot himself after being confronted by a military police officer.
This article relates to AP Gov. because it deals with the US's military and gun control. Soldiers are not supposed to possess weapons on the base, yet the shooter shot his victims with his own personal handgun. It makes me wonder how the military enforced that law if Lopez snuck his own weapon onto the base.
I think this is a really sad event. All mass shootings are horrible and wrong, but Fort Hood already went through a shooting five years ago. I can't pretend I have any answers as to how to prevent these shootings, as they seem to be occurring more and more frequently. It makes me mad that people like Lopez can kill and hurt as much as they want and then take their own lives to avoid the consequences of their actions.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blog #15

This article discusses Hillary Clinton's need to attract young voters in her 2016 presidential campaign. Young voters are a key demographic Mrs. Clinton would need to win the presidential race. In the 2008 campaign, young voters favored Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton, which helped him to clinch his spot as the Democrat nominee. However, this election may favor Mrs. Clinton because polls show that young people favor her over other potential Democrat candidates.
This article relates to Ap Gov. because it deals with the upcoming presidential race of 2016. This election could be very significant because if Hillary Clinton wins, it will be the first time the country has had a female president, which would be a huge step forward for feminism. 
I agree with this article. Young people are increasingly becoming a more significant part of the electorate, and candidates are beginning to realize they will need to appeal to young people in order to win the election. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blog #14

This article states that there has recently been legislature unanimously passed by the Senate that invalidates the "good soldier" defense in cases of sexual assault. This means that someone accused of sexual assault can no longer be defended by good service in the military or a character recommendation. This article also mentions that other sexual assault related legislature failed to pass. The failed legislature proposed taking away a commander's privilege to decided whether or not a soldier under them should be prosecuted and would give this privelege to a military judge instead.

This relates to AP Gov because it discusses new legislature that's been passed by Congress. It's really significant that the first law I mentioned was unanimously passed in the Senate. It seems like Congress has become incredibly partisan over the past few years, so it's nice to see that they can all agree on an issue.

I'm really excited to see this new legislation being passed. I think it's unfair to the victims of the sexual assault that the "good soldier" defense was an actual, valid defense. I'm sure the victims were good soldiers too, but they couldn't use that fact to prevent being assaulted, could they? I'm glad to see that steps are being taken to address the alarming number of sexual assault incidents in the military.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Blog #13

This article states that the opposition leader in Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko, has been released from prison. Her release may give Ukrainian citizens a figure to rally around in their protests against their current president, Victor Yanukovych. The article also explains that Ukraine's parliament voted unanimously yesterday to kick Yanukovych out of office. The day before, Yanukovych signed a peace deal with the opposition in order to end the violent protests of this week. The protests were a result of Ukranian citizens anger at Yanukovych for turning towards communist Russia and rejecting a trade deal with the European Union.

This relates to AP Gov because Ukrainian citizens are seeking a more fair and democratic system through these protests. Another reason they rebelled was because of Yanukovych's corruption and rejection of certain democratic principles. It's exciting to see a country succeed in overthrowing a corrupt government.

I'm really excited to see what Ukraine's next move is. I hope they make wise choices in these next few months, because these next months will be really important in creating a successful, democratic country. I'm glad their parliament was unanimous instead of divided in ejecting Yanukovych from office. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Blog #12

This article states that gay couples have recently been given equal rights in federal matters such as bankruptcies, survivor benefits, and prison visits. Prior to now a couple who got married in a state that permitted gay marriage and then moved to a state that did not was not recognized as a married couple. This new law applies to thirty-four states where gay marriage is not legal.

This article applies to AP Gov because it deals with civil rights and equality. Though gay people do not have full equal rights, this new law is a step in the right direction. Hopefully this new law will create a domino effect of laws that help promote equality for all.

I think it's wonderful that gay couples now have some of the same rights that straight people do. I hope that they will soon get ALL of the same rights because the Constitution says that all men were created equal, and it seems that by denying them their rights that we are going against the Constitution. You can argue state's rights all you want, but the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, NOT state legislatures.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Blog #11

This article discusses the possible pathways for the Democratic Party at the end of President Obama's presidency and the implications these choices each could have on the American people. On one hand the Democratic Party could stay with the centrist policies President Obama has (to a certain degree) endorsed. On the other hand, the party could embrace more progressive principles endorsed by those like Elizabeth Warren. This article outlined positives and negatives to both of these choices.
This article applies to AP Gov because it discusses the choices the Democratic Party has in moving forward from President Obama's leadership. The choices the party makes concerning the values they choose to endorse for the next few years could have serious implications for the party. The article stated that many Democratic voters have felt that President Obama didn't properly represent the party, so it will be interesting to see what kind of candidates the party chooses to support in these next few years. 
I'm definitely interested to see how the Democratic Party will choose to act in these next few years. I identify as progressive but I don't feel like the party/President always represent my political thoughts. I too feel frustrated sometimes when I look at President Obama's objectives prior to his Presidency and when I look at what he's accomplished. I don't think this is completely his fault; it doesn't help to have a hostile House, but I think there are some choices he could have made that would have been more beneficial to Americans.