Sunday, December 15, 2013

Blog #9

My Article

This article discusses another school shooting that happened on Friday December 13th. A student of Arapahoe High School in Denver, Colorado who was a member of the debate and cross country team, Karl Pierson, came to school armed with a pump action shot gun, a machete, and three Molotov cocktails. He wanted to kill the librarian, who also ran the debate team. He shot a girl, critically wounding her, before taking his own life. He wasn't able to harm anyone else before killing himself because the deputy on campus ran to stop him, prompting him to kill himself. The librarian was not injured as he had left the campus in order to try to make the shooter leave the school.
This relates to AP Gov because it deals with the increase in school shootings and our country's problem with gun control. The problem with gun control is that some killers, such as this shooter, haven't been diagnosed with a mental illness so there's really no way to prevent them from buying a gun. School shootings in particular seem to be growing more and more common in our country, which is horrifying and so sad.
I think one way to help prevent these mass shootings is by having deputies on campus to help deal with problems as soon as they arise. The deputy at this school prevented Pierson from killing other students because Pierson knew that the deputy could make him face the consequences of this shooting. I know that our deputies at New Hanover help prevent and stop fights more efficiently than an untrained teacher could. I don't really know what our country could do to help with gun control. I believe in making it more difficult for regular civilians to buy certain types of guns, but I'm not sure that would really help prevent these kinds of horrible events from happening.


  1. I agree that there definitely needs to be more control on who can own guns. It's so sad that school shootings are becoming more and more frequent. I don't know why anyone would want to harm another person, especially innocent students. These students are living in fear that their school could be shot up at any time.

  2. This story really is so sad as well as scary. I believe making certain types of guns more difficult to obtain as well as more extensive background checks would help this issue. However, I think the most important thing is to prepeare school employees as you said. If more people know how to handle such a situation, then it will be easier to quickly stop the situation.

  3. The gun control issue in America is a very controversial one. This student was armed with only a pump action shotgun, which really is available to anyone and should be. It is horrible that these things have to happen, however I don't think they should restrict guns even further. Somebody really wishing to do harm will find a way.

  4. I agree with you Waverly i think every school should have a deputy on campus. They make the entire environment safer. It is awful that this kid had a gun in the first place we need to be more aware of who buys guns and who owns guns.
