This article states that the opposition leader in Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko, has been released from prison. Her release may give Ukrainian citizens a figure to rally around in their protests against their current president, Victor Yanukovych. The article also explains that Ukraine's parliament voted unanimously yesterday to kick Yanukovych out of office. The day before, Yanukovych signed a peace deal with the opposition in order to end the violent protests of this week. The protests were a result of Ukranian citizens anger at Yanukovych for turning towards communist Russia and rejecting a trade deal with the European Union.
This relates to AP Gov because Ukrainian citizens are seeking a more fair and democratic system through these protests. Another reason they rebelled was because of Yanukovych's corruption and rejection of certain democratic principles. It's exciting to see a country succeed in overthrowing a corrupt government.
I'm really excited to see what Ukraine's next move is. I hope they make wise choices in these next few months, because these next months will be really important in creating a successful, democratic country. I'm glad their parliament was unanimous instead of divided in ejecting Yanukovych from office.